Beyond Capacity
Current high school enrollment exceeds building capacities, affecting both safety and education.
Community Help
A plan for our community, designed by our community.
Financing It
The current plan reduces interest costs by almost 88%. Thats a reduction of almost $73 million dollars!
Work the Plan
The bond proposal is to build a 1,500-student high school with a core capacity of 1,800 students to allow for future growth.
Did You Know?
Upcoming Events
Bond Info Meeting
Summit Hills Elementary
at 7:00pm
Bond Info Meeting
Fairview Elementary
at 7:00pm
Bond Info Meeting
Discovery Elementary
at 7:00pm
Bond Info Meeting
Bridgewater Elementary
at 7:00pm
Bond Questions
District Board Room
Both Hillcrest and Bonneville are far beyond their capacity. This not only creates significant safety issues, but it also reduces the quality of education our children are receiving.
...our final recommendation represents exactly what the entire citizenry of our District would conclude today if they all had the same information and understood the facts and circumstances as completely and thoroughly as we did.