The Plan

The March 10th bond proposal is to build a 1,500-student high school to open in the fall of 2018. The school will be built with a core capacity for 1,800 students to allow for future growth.

If the bond is approved in March, the district will sell the bonds in May to generate the revenue to construct the high school. This is similar to getting a construction loan to build a new home.

The architectural firms will then begin working on creating the extensive sets of plans necessary to design the high school. These will be comprehensive plans detailing everything from the overall site plan to the layout of the school to the intricate electrical, plumbing, HVAC, lighting, and network plans. These plans will provide potential builders the necessary information they need to provide a bid to construct the school.

The district anticipates being able to put the project out to bid early in 2016 and to award the bid that spring. This will allow ground to be broken as soon as possible. Once construction starts, it will take roughly two years to complete, so the high school will open in the fall of 2018.

During those three years, enrollment in the high schools is anticipated to grow to 3500 students. This means that the high schools will be around 85% full when the school opens.

Site Location

The reserved land for the new school is located in the northeast area of the intersection at 1st and Crowley Rd. See the map image below for outlined details.